Vernon Lefty Gomez LLC is the business representative for the owners of the Vernon Lefty Gomez and June O’Dea Collection. We work with companies who wish to use the name or likeness of Lefty Gomez or June O’Dea in any commercial fashion. Their names, images, videos, words, signatures, and voices are protectable property rights owned by Vernon Lefty Gomez LLC and their daughter Vernona Gomez. Any use of the above, without express written consent of Vernon Lefty Gomez LLC is strictly prohibited.

The Vernon Lefty Gomez and June O’Dea Collection includes original photos, video, audio and memorabilia from 1890 to 1989, created or collected by Lefty and June during their world travels and careers in Baseball, Broadway, Vaudeville and the USO. The collection also includes items of American heritage passed down through generations as well as additions to the Collection obtained by their daughter, Vernona Gomez, over the last 35 years.

If you are interested in licensing items from the Collection, or using Lefty Gomez or June O’Dea in a promotional or product campaign, please contact Vernon Lefty Gomez LLC:

Vernon Lefty Gomez LLC